Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Significance Of Sign - Taurus

Significance Of Sign - Taurus  


The second sign of the zodiac is Taurus and it is indicated by a bull. Thus the symbol of Taurus indicates a bull's head and horns. The history behind the bull is just as interesting and informative as the symbol of Aries. Again, to clearly understand this sign, a familarization with it's history is imperative. The pagan religions of ancient times praised and worshiped the bull as if it were a god. The Egyptians and Persians also held the animal in high esteem. To this day, it is looked upon as a crime among some oriental races to harm a bull.


The relationship of the bull and the sign Taurus stems from the old Greek legend recounting the infatuation of Jupiter for a lovely mortal maiden named Europa. According to the legend Jupiter was forbidden to court a mere mortal. He took the form and shape of a white bull to attract Europa secretly. While innocently toying with her brothers in a meadow one day, Europa spied a white bull and was delimited and astounded with its sheer beauty. Gleefully and expectantly, she approached the bull and found it friendly and inviting. She mounted its broad and handsome back and instantly the bull galloped off toward the sea, taking with him the frightened maiden before her startled brothers could run to her rescue. Plunging into the raging waters, the bull began to swim with the grace and assurance of a great fish. From the shore the startled brothers could only see the bull's head and paws as he slowly disappeared on the horizon. The rest of the bull's body was submerged and this accounts for the partial outline of the bull's forepart in the Constellation Taurus. Europa was visibly shaken and very puzzled at what was happening to her. Jupiter sensed this and to quell her growing fear, he explained his actions and intentions to her utter amazement. She immediately fell in love with Jupiter and to commemorate their happy romance, Jupiter transformed himself once more. This time he took the form of a planet - the largest in the solar system, as was befitting his importance. Then to honor his mortal love the legend says he named the Continent of Europe after her. Look at the stars on a clear night and observe the Constellation Taurus in the Zodiac. The bull's bright right eye is the star Aldebaran. You can see the head and shoulders of the bull.


Taurus is the sign of production yield and together with Virgo, a sign of the working masses, Taurus is related to the gross national product in mundane astrology. It embraces all that concerns instruments of monetary value. The Sun usually enters Taurus on or about April 21. Taurus is Earth element. Fixed in quality and Intellectual in trinity. Some key words used with Taurus are endurance and stamina. Before continuing refer back to your chart of Taurus in Lesson III and review it's basic characteristics. In nature, this sign is feminine or passive, it is dormant, silent and reflective. Some favorable qualities are: self reliance, patience and affection. Some unfavorable qualities are: jealous, stubborn and hot-tempered. It is hardworking, indifferent, industrious and domineering. Very intense, Taurus makes a good friend but a bitter enemy. Materialistic, it is deeply mathematical.


In employment, he generally succeeds in any line paralleling the affairs of his birth sign, or the interests of the house in which the Sun finds itself in his horoscope. In alliances, such as business, fraternal and marriage, he gets along well with those born under his own sign or one that is opposite, trine to it or sextile: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. The Sun-Moon relationship is most conducive for a successful marriage. Decanate division shows that those born when the Sun was in the first ten degrees of Taurus have determination. Those when the Sun is in the second decanate: struggle and the conflict for superiority. Third decanate: mastership and triumph over physical and environmental limitations. (Bear in mind that these general statements will undoubtedly be enhanced, diminished or even negated when considered in, light of a client's entire horoscope. Remember this is always true when we mention any general indication.) The essential dignities and debilities of Venus, planetary ruler of Taurus, are: dignities - it governs Taurus and Libra and is exalted in Pisces; debilities - it is in its detriment when in Scorpio and in its fall when in Virgo.


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