Saturday, July 9, 2011

Significance Of The Houses

Significance Of The Houses  


The houses are divided into 12 celestial segments, beginning with the 1st house just below the eastern horizon, and progressing counter clockwise to the 12th house, which is just above the eastern horizon. The 1st house corresponds with Aries on the zodiac, and the 12th house with Pisces. But remember the houses remain stationary and the signs move through them. When discussing the houses, we must locate the Midheaven, which is the point in the sky directly above the observer. It is called the "Medium Coeli" in Latin but we only mention that so you will understand the abbreviation for it M. C. The "Imum Coeli" (also Latin) which is directly opposite the Midheaven is abbreviated I. C. The M. C., located on the cusp (or dividing line) of the Ninth and Tenth Houses is the highest spot on the horoscope chart. (To go back to our clock analogy, the Midheaven would be at 12:00 o'clock, the I. C. would be at 6:00 o'clock. The influence of the planets on the houses has been observed by astrologers to follow the general pattern below:


First House::

The Early Environment, Shape And Condition Of The Body, Home And Childhood.

Second House:

Finance And Other Material Conditions.

Third House:

Travel, Literature, Useful And Practical Arts, Brothers And Sisters.

Fourth House:

Old Age, Conditions In The Home During Later Years.

Fifth House:

Children, Amusement, Courtship, Speculation.

Sixth House:

Health, Labor, Servants.

Seventh House:

Marriage, The Fine Arts, Partnership And Relations With The Public.

Eighth House:

Death And Inheritance.

Ninth House:

Intellect, Religion, Philanthrophy, Justice, Idealism.

Tenth House:

Social Position, Ambition, Livelihood.

Eleventh House:

Friends, Hopes And Wishes.

Twelfth House:

Sorrow, Troubles, Hospitals, Prison.



The signs of the zodiac and the houses of the heavens are two separate and distinct concepts. The zodiac is in motion as it travels around the earth, as seen by the astrologer's eyes from a fixed earth point of reference. The houses are the fixed man designed sections of the sky through which the signs of the zodiac move. This combination has an immediate effect on an individual at his birth time and a continuing one throughout his life. Some astrologers hold that this initial effect is at the moment of conception, however medicine has demonstrated the tremendous protection of the unborn baby in the mother's womb from all outside influences. As a result the great majority of competent astrologers work with the time of birth when the person is first exposed to the effects of all external things in the universe. Understand that you have now only been introduced to some general concepts about the meanings of the houses and signs. In the next two lessons you will be taken through considerable details on the vital principles of the signs.


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