Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Study Of Astrology-Vol-4

Study Of Astrology-Vol-4


A Northwestern University professor performed an extremely interesting and now well known experiment showing the moon's influence on oysters. Dr. Frank Brown, a biologist, transferred a shipment of oysters from New Haven, Conn. to Evanston, III., where he immersed them in a tank of sea water. For two weeks they opened and closed their shells in rhythm with the tides at New Haven. Then a strange thing happened, in spite of the fact that the nearest ocean was 500 miles away, the oysters began to open and close in time to the tides that would have existed if there were an ocean in Illinois. Since there were no actual tides in Illinois, it was clear that the moon, itself caused the oysters to react in this manner. It is not in the province of astrology to explain why this happened. The astrologer says that the moon had an effect upon the oysters and that is all. The moon is just one of the celestial bodies, and oysters are living organisms.


Astrology is gaining worldwide acceptance and from all indications this new found interest in the Astrological method will continue to increase. Surprisingly, much of this new found interest is among Europeans who once would have mocked the notion that celestial bodies influence human affairs. The study of the stars as a guide to behavior, personality and a way of life is receiving its most serious appraisal since it was swept off the shelf of respectable divisions of learning, during the first few hundred years A.D. Not long ago, Astrology was strictly a study for the untutored and anyone with a lot of spare time on their hands. Now, however, it has attracted many educated people and it is even a subject of university debate. Most striking is that thousands of well educated Frenchmen, Germans and other Europeans regularly consult Astrologers or cast their own horoscopes without displaying the least bit of sheepishness about admitting it. France's president, Georges Pompidou readily confessed at a recent press conference that he follows the prophecies of his country's most renowned Astrologer, Madame Solei, with deep interest. At least one prominent French politician is reliably said to consult his Astrologer before making important public speeches. That the various parts of the universe as well as earth itself influence human behavior is among mankind's oldest beliefs. Until nearly the middle of the 17th Century, it easily commanded as much prestige as the natural sciences. From the time of Sir Isaac Newton, however, the rapid development of natural science coupled with its pretensions of possessing the exclusive key to "truth" condemned Astrology to 500 years of intellectual stagnancy. Yet, we feel that Astrology has answers which the physical sciences do not. This is a direct cause of the now obvious limitations of these physical sciences. They evidently do not answer all the questions which perplex man. Astrology, more than any other science, explains the basic nature of the Universe and man's part in it. The questions Why? and What For? can effectively be answered only through Astrology. No other science seeks to explain the nature of human life in such a realistic way. Astrology is easily the most powerful tool for measuring any man's character and emotional constitution.


It is high time that man should realize what a tremendous help Astrology can be to create a better understanding among men whether at the individual level, the industrial level or most importantly at the international political level where we find the horrible seeds of genocide. It is our intention in this course to help to spread the true value of Astrology. We can train and unite competent Astrologers throughout the world and together we can reduce the elements causing riots, ware, revolutions, and other major and minor unfortunate misunderstandings among men. We can do this because Astrology teaches us not only to analyze ourselves but also to understand the behavior of our fellow man in its entirety. Let us now look at the basic principles behind Astrology. We are establishing Astro centers, birth information centers which will not only guide man and woman in this profound phase of love and life but also educate them to avoid abnormal births; to understand their offspring and one another as parts of an ever changing universe. (If you are interested in this program let us know with a short note and we will consider you for this special area). Our students are located all over the World and we intend to have centers at all locations sponsored financed and guided by our school and its alumni. The centers will also guide its clients in marriage and all other major life decisions and relations of humans to humans.


[To be Continued. Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily For Further And Daily Study Material And To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]


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