Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Study Of Astrology-Vol-3

Study Of Astrology-Vol-3


Astrology Defined And Defended


The word "astrology" comes ultimately from two Greek words - "astron" meaning "star" and "logos" meaning "discourse." Merriam-Webster defines it as "1. Practical astronomy. 2. The pseudo science which treats of the influences of the stars upon human affairs, and of foretelling terrestrial events by their positions and aspects." Now, Merriam-Webster makes good dictionaries and the definition is a good one except for one word "pseudo." That word is defined in the same dictionary as "sham; feigned; spurious."


Let's tackle this problem right away because you're going to hear the same thing from some of your relatives and friends. From the time of the Industrial Revolution, with its technological focus on man, it has been regarded as smart and fashionable to think of anything that was not materialistic in outlook as "sham; feigned; spurious." Science would answer all man's questions and cure all his problems. Well, it hasn't happened and it never will. It is true that astrology is not as much of a slave of the "scientific method" as physics and chemistry are. It is also true that astrology has more than its fair share of quacks and charlatans and that there were many dark years when astrology was in disrepute. It was during those years that Merriam Webster and others casually referred to astrology as being "pseudo," as if there wasn't even another side to the story. All that has changed, however, and it is certain that dictionaries will delete the prejudicial "pseudo" from the definition in forthcoming editions. Let's look at the facts.


The respected science of astronomy was at one time a branch of astrology, which was broken down into four divisions:


1. Natural Astrology: The study of the motion of the heavenly bodies and their effects upon earth such as earthquakes) weather, etc.

2. Judicial Astrology: Nations and governments as they are affected by celestial bodies.

3. Genethliacal Astrology: Pertaining to birth or "genesis."

4. Horary Astrology: Applying astrology to some specific question of the moment - of the "hour" ("hora" is Latin for "hour")


Natural Astrology became Astronomy while Judicial and Horary Astrology have become specialties of certain astrologers. Genethliacal has blossomed into the more popular and easier-to-pronounce "Natal Astrology". This course covers all branches but concentrates on Natal. Astronomy isn't the only science connected with astrology. Hippocrates, the founder of medical science and author of the famous physicians' oath, was an astrologer. Copernicus learned his basic science at an astrology school founded by the King of Poland. Ptolemy and Sir Isaac Newton were astrologers. Mark Twain estimated the period in which his own death might occur by astrology, and it did. In our day there has been a tremendous rebirth of interest in - and corresponding respect for - astrology. Our space program verified many of the cosmobiological claims of astrology. The discovery of electro-magnetic forces within the human body and the same forces in the atmosphere have revived "respectable" scientific theories that there may be a connection between the forces in our bodies and the influences of the heavenly bodies. After all, our bodies are 80% water. If the moon can influence the water in the ocean, why not in our bodies? Sunspots cause changes in the weather, why not in us? The sun warms vast bodies of water and, as we all know, the human body is mostly water.


It has recently been determined that an electric charge sent into a human cell will be emitted in a distinct wave pattern. Each human cell is 80% water. They are all being continuously exposed to electric waves from outer space as well as the moon and the sun. Current research shows that a cancerous cell emits a different wave pattern than a healthy cell! A two year study by the hospitals and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, observed human reactions to the phases of the moon. Part of the report states: "Crime against the person seem to increase as the night of the Full Moon draws near. People whose anti-social behavior has psychotic roots (firebugs, kleptomaniacs and homicidal alcoholics) seem to go on a rampage as the Moon turns full, and remember the moon is only refracting sunlight to the earth when we are on the dark side of the sun. They calm down when the Moon begins to crescent."


[To be Continued. Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily For Further And Daily Study Material And To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]


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