Friday, August 19, 2011

The Planet-Neptune

The Planet-Neptune


As we move away from Uranus we see Neptune dead ahead, a bluish-green sphere whose features have never been photographed from earth. Farthest out of the giant planets, this twin of Uranus now moves nearly 3 billion miles from the sun. So intense is the cold that our spacecraft would drop to 370° below zero F, except for the heat from our radio-isotope thermal generators. Information about Neptune is sorely needed as our understanding of it and its moons is meager. However, the radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, plus NASA's space ship program will teach us a lot more about Pluto/ Neptune/ Uranus, the known universe and the other planets. Both Uranus and Neptune have densities greater than Jupiter and Saturn. This suggests that the two outer planets are not as rich in hydrogen and helium, but must contain a higher proportion of water and ammonia ices as do comets.


The symbol of Neptune is the trident, which confers power over the sea, and its inhabitants. The symbol is composed of the crescent of the moon pierced by the staff of the sun. Spirit penetrates swiftly and surely into man's consciousness and when man is worthy of it, confers the gift of prophecy. The effects of Neptune are the most eccentric of all the planets. Similar to Uranus Neptune does not seem to act from any reason or motive that can be understood by people in general. Neptune is more involved with beauty rather than forces which seem to monopolize Uranus. Neptune's vibrations can give the composer in one moment the whole of an opera. This, of course, is contingent with the rest of the native's chart as Neptune alone does not contribute any love of active hard work. Neptune inclines to be the dreamer.


Neptune bestows poetry, prophecy, and fragrance whereas Uranus, like the sun, gives light. Uranus is concerned with the mechanisms of the radio. Neptune affords the ability of distribution of the voices and music from the radio over the whole earth. Neptune rules all things that are widely distributed, whether rumors, or chainstore businesses. Uranus rules the actual act of advertising but the carrying of the information to wide areas of people comes under Neptune. Neptune is sometimes thought to be too elusive to help the businessman, but it is pure fact that some of the most successful businessmen often have Neptune strongly situated in their horoscopes. Such men have a mystic uncanny knack of realizing the most effective item to make the corresponding right move. Neptune provides second sight, mediumistic power, and the knowledge of the past and the future. After centuries of denial that such gifts existed, several of our large universities are now studying these matters. Whereas Uranus is often too positive in insisting upon his ideas being put into action prematurely, Neptune is often too negative ever to put his ideas into action. Uranus is vigorous and Neptune is diffuse. Neptune is a planet of the water element that is, emotional. It is a part ruler of Pisces and the twelfth house.


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